Don Lane was born in St. John's, Newfoundland, and undertook his formal study in photography at Brooks Institute of Photographic Arts and Sciences in Santa Barbara, California, graduating with a Bachelor of Professional Arts degree. He has held positions with Memorial University and Canadian Pacific, but the challenge and independence of owning his own business led to the establishment of his studio in 1976, specializing in commercial and industrial photography.
Don has completed assignments for all of Newfoundland's major corporations, both levels of Government, and national clients with a need for Newfoundland photography. Over the years he specialized in studio and on-location portraiture and people-at-work images for annual report and advertising spreads, interior and exterior architectural images, still life product photography and general industrial photography. Don's interest in photographic art dovetailed with his natural appreciation for the scenic beauty of Newfoundland. Slowly, the Images of Newfoundland Collection of limited edition prints evolved. This was a sideline at first, but became an important part of his life when the Lane Gallery opened in the original CN Hotel Newfoundland in 1979. That hotel then became a CP property, and eventually a Sheraton hotel, which it is today..

The success of the Lane Gallery over the years led to the creation of a wealth of images that are uniquely Newfoundland. Lane prints have been purchased by clients from all across Canada and the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Australia and many other countries. Individuals and corporations all around the world collect Lane images as unique representations of the natural beauty of Newfoundland. There are a variety sizes and frames in our unique and durable "Galleria" finish. And the gallery can ship pictures all around the world with guaranteed safe delivery.